Workshop on
Quantitative Formal Methods:
Theory and Applications
- workshop of FM 2009 -
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
November 3rd, 2009
Accepted papers
(in alphabetical order of the first author's name)
List of Regular papers and abstracts
Israa AlAttili, Fred Houben, Georgeta Igna, Steffen Michels, Feng Zhu
and Frits Vaandrager |
Adaptive Scheduling of Data Paths using Uppaal Tiga
Marco Bernardo |
Testing Equivalence and Exponentially Timed Internal Actions |
Ukachukwu Ndukwu |
Proof-Based Verification With Model Checking For Probabilistic Systems
Mathijs Schuts, Feng Zhu, Faranak Heidarian and Frits Vaandrager |
Modelling Clock Synchronization in the Chess gMAC WSN Protocol
Nikola Trcka |
Strong, Weak and Branching Bisimulation for Transition Systems and
Markov Reward Chains: A Unifying Matrix
Hao Wang and Wendy MacCaull |
Verifying Real-Time Systems using Explicit-time Description Methods |
List of Short papers and abstracts
Zoe Andrews |
Towards a Stochastic Event-B for Designing Dependable Systems
Federico Buti, Massimo Callisto De Donato, Flavio Corradini, Maria Rita
Di Berardini and Walter Volgler |
Evaluating the Efficiency of Asynchronous Systems with FASE |
Savas Konur |
Real-time System Specification with a Decidable Temporal Logic
Laura Panizo, Maria del Mar Gallardo, Pedro Merino and Antonio Linares |
Integration of Quantitative Aspects into SPIN to Develop a Decision
Support Tool for Dam |
Submission guidelines
for the authors for the final version
QFM’09 will publish informal workshop
pre-proceedings and EPTCS post-workshop proceedings The regular papers will
be included in both proceedings. Short papers will be included in the
pre-proceedings only. The authors should follow the instructions below when
preparing camera-ready version:
1. The deadline to submit your paper is October 2
2. Please take the comments of the reviewers into account to improve your
paper. If required, you can extend the length of your contribution up to 13
pages max (including possible appendixes) for the regular papers and 5 pages
max for the short paper.
3. Use the EPTCS style for formatting
your paper. Please do not modify anything in the EPTCS style file.
4. Use the Easychair
QFM'09 Conference
Service for sending us the paper,
• ZIP or TGZ
file containing the source latex files should be submitted via the
``conference’’ option in the menu
• PDF of the final version should be submitted via the
``proceedings’’ option in the menu.
Submissions deviating from these instructions may
not be included in the proceedings. One of the authors have to attend the
workshop to give the presentation.
Authors of selected papers will be invited after the workshop to submit an
extended version for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Logic
and Algebraic Programming - Elsevier. Any questions regarding the submission
guidelines should be directed to the Program Committee Chair
Suzana Andova or
Anabelle McIver prior to