Quantitative Formal Methods





Workshop on

Quantitative Formal Methods:

Theory and Applications

- workshop of FM 2009 -

Eindhoven, The Netherlands

November 3rd, 2009



REGISTRATION FOR THE WORKSHOP IS OPEN AND TAKES PLACE VIA http://www.win.tue.nl/fm2009/ (follow the link "Registration").
Regular registration before October 19, late and on-site registration after that date. 

Limited financial support in the form of registration fee waiver is provided to a number of young researchers (PhD students and first year postdocs) on a competitive basis. Priorities will be given to participants who will present contributed talks.  Application for the financial support should be send as soon as possible to s.andova@tue.nl, but not later than 25th of October. Please do not wait to register, in case you have been awarded the amount will be reimbursed during the workshop.  *NEW*
